Latest News

January 2009

- New South Australia Territory Manager Appointed


January 2008

- Fluids for Broadacre

August 2007

- Capsicum, Lettuce & Stone Fruit Nutrient Programs

July 2007

- Wine Grapes Nutrient Program

June 2007

- Reach Strawberry Trials Morayfield Qld 2005

- New Product - Reach

- New Almonds, Carrots and Olive Nutrient Programs

April 2007

- Drum Labels - A link to our drum labels has been added at the bottom of each product listing. On the drum label you will find crop application rates as well as stages of application

- New Citrus Nutrient Programs

February 2007

- New Pineapple & Strawberry Nutrient Programs

September 2006

- Liquid Turf Nutrition Brochure, Smart Release Range


February 2005

- Top Appointment to Enhance Growth

September 2004

- Fluid Fertilizer Workshop

July 2004

- DrumMuster Program

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