Fluid Fertilizer Workshop - Sept 2004

First Australian Fluid Fertilizer Workshop was held in our hometown of Adelaide, South Australia 21-22 September 2004

Adelaide was chosen as the host city mainly because we are the closest city in Australia to the greatest area of use involving liquid fertilizers in broacare ground injection, to cereal crops - being the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia.  This regions large area of highly alkaline calcarous soils have been responding very posistively to liquid/fluid injection of Nitrogen & Phosphorous at sowing time as an alternative to granular fertilizer.

Government institutions GRDC, CSIRO, SARDI, VDPI and state departments of Primary Industries, along with the Fluid Fertilizers Foundation (FFF) have provided significant funds and research into liquids Phosphorous being ground/injected - with benefits in crop yield acheiving increses as high as 38% over granular fertilizer, it is no wonder we have seen many Eyre Peninsula farmers convert their seeding equipment to handle liquids.

John Robertson from Ag Consultancy company
'Agwise', Horsham, Victoria discuss the many benefits
of liquid plant nutrition with Dr Deepak Mathur -
SprayGro Chemist, Plant Physiologist at the recent
Fluid workshop.

Many international speakers along with Australian reseachers presented papers on the many benefits of fluid nutrients including FFF president Dr Larry Murphy, SARDI manager at Minnipa Research Dr Bob Holloway, Eyre Peninsula Farmer Mr A. Polkinghorne.

SprayGro Liquid Fertilizers was one of the Principal sponsors of the event, as such had the opportunity for Dr Deepak Mathur present, a paper on Foliar Nutirients Absorption Mechanism and Advantages and our Market Development Manager Mr Simon Blackwood present an overview on SprayGro history, markets growth and direction in Australia.

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