Left plant - Cereal Crop - Smartrace® Zinc
seed dressing applied.  Right plant - no
trace element seed dressing applied

Application of Smartrace® Seed Dressing is easily done via using a small 12 volt submersible pump attached to a hose with tap at the end.  You control the flow via the tap, the seed dressing is then fed directly into an auger.  SprayGro's Seed Dressing is then mixed throughly through the grain, they are quick drying, they may applied to the grain during seed cleaning and stored indefinitely in silos until planting time.

Smartrace® chelated products are dust free, quick drying and will not affect germination.  No premixing required.

SprayGro's Smartrace® Micronutrient seed dressings are applied directly to the grain neat, they are extremly flowable thus making grain nutrient absorption extremly effective. (No additional water is required.)

Smartrace® products are not recommended to mix with legume seed innoculants.

The complete Smartrace® range is suitable to be applied as a seed dressing directly onto the grain.

Application of Smartrace® elements gives your crop a kickstart increasing early crop development where known deficiencies exist.

Chelated Liquid Trace Elements  

Smartrace Manganese

Smartrace Manganese Copper

Smartrace Zinc

Smartrace Zinc Manganese


SprayGro Liquid Fertilizers has developed Smartrace Manganese, Smartrace Manganese Copper, Smartrace Zinc and Smartrace Zinc Manganese as Seed Dressings specifically to enhance the growth of seedlings and to help fully develop root systems in deficient soils. These dressings supplement granular fertilizer programmes but do not replace them.

They give your crop a kickstart!


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